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The definition of East Texas varies. There's Upper East Texas and Deep East Texas, and even South East Texas.
One common definition: East Texas is considered to be the region east of Interstate 45, and west of the Louisiana border. The northern border is Oklahoma, while the southern edge is the Gulf of Mexico.
The 23-county Upper East Texas region stretches from the piney woods bordering Arkansas and Louisiana to the eastern edge of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
In the Piney Woods Section of East Texas surrounding Tyler, there are a number of cities and small towns located in several counties, as shown on the maps below.
As you visit and navigate East Texas, this site provides information on a number of Tyler topics, including maps, shopping, tourism, history, government and other important topics.
We have information on area lakes, things to do, medical facilities, golf courses, museums, schools, transportation, economy and more!
Located around Tyler in Smith County, as well as in neighboring counties, are a number of small cities and communities. Many people that live in these outlying suburbs work, shop and conduct business in Tyler.
These communities include Lindale, Winona, New Chapel Hill, Noonday, Whitehouse, Troup, Arp, Chandler, Flint, Gresham, Bullard and others, as shown in the map below. Smith County is outlined in red in the map.
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County Name |
County Seat |
Anderson | Palestine |
Bowie | New Boston |
Camp | Pittsburg |
Cass | Linden |
Cherokee | Rusk |
Delta | Cooper |
Franklin | Mt. Vernon |
Gregg | Longview |
Harrison | Marshall |
Henderson | Athens |
Hopkins | Sulphur Springs |
Lamar | Paris |
Marion | Jefferson |
Morris | Daingerfield |
Panola | Carthage |
Rains | Emory |
Red River | Clarksville |
Rusk | Henderson |
Smith | Tyler |
Titus | Mt. Pleasant |
Upshur | Gilmer |
Van Zandt | Canton |
Wood | Quitman |
Included on this site are several maps of the Tyler, Texas metropolitan area, from sources such as Smith County, the Smith County Appraisal District (SCAD), the University of Texas at Austin, and the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
We've also provided an interactive Google Map of the Upper East Texas area below.
The following is a list of all 254 counties and county seats in the State of Texas:
County | County Seat |
County | County Seat |
Anderson | Palestine | Karnes | Karnes City |
Andrews | Andrews | Kaufman | Kaufman |
Angelina | Lufkin | Kendall | Boerne |
Aransas | Rockport | Kenedy | Sarita |
Archer | Archer City | Kent | Jayton |
Armstrong | Claude | Kerr | Kerrville |
Atascosa | Jourdanton | Kimble | Junction |
Austin | Bellville | King | Guthrie |
Bailey | Muleshoe | Kinney | Brackettville |
Bandera | Bandera | Kleberg | Kingsville |
Bastrop | Bastrop | Knox | Benjamin |
Baylor | Seymour | La Salle | Cotulla |
Bee | Beeville | Lamar | Paris |
Bell | Belton | Lamb | Littlefield |
Bexar | San Antonio | Lampasas | Lampasas |
Blanco | Johnson City | Lavaca | Hallettsville |
Borden | Gail | Lee | Giddings |
Bosque | Meridian | Leon | Centerville |
Bowie | Boston | Liberty | Liberty |
Brazoria | Angleton | Limestone | Groesbeck |
Brazos | Bryan | Lipscomb | Lipscomb |
Brewster | Alpine | Live Oak | George West |
Briscoe | Silverton | Llano | Llano |
Brooks | Falfurrias | Loving | Mentone |
Brown | Brownwood | Lubbock | Lubbock |
Burleson | Caldwell | Lynn | Tahoka |
Burnet | Burnet | Madison | Madisonville |
Caldwell | Lockhart | Marion | Jefferson |
Calhoun | Port Lavaca | Martin | Stanton |
Callahan | Baird | Mason | Mason |
Cameron | Brownsville | Matagorda | Bay City |
Camp | Pittsburg | Maverick | Eagle Pass |
Carson | Panhandle | McCulloch | Brady |
Cass | Linden | McLennan | Waco |
Castro | Dimmitt | McMullen | Tilden |
Chambers | Anahuac | Medina | Hondo |
Cherokee | Rusk | Menard | Menard |
Childress | Childress | Midland | Midland |
Clay | Henrietta | Milam | Cameron |
Cochran | Morton | Mills | Goldthwaite |
Coke | Robert Lee | Mitchell | Colorado City |
Coleman | Coleman | Montague | Montague |
Collin | McKinney | Montgomery | Conroe |
Collings-worth | Wellington | Moore | Dumas |
Colorado | Columbus | Morris | Daingerfield |
Comal | New Braunfels | Motley | Matador |
Comanche | Comanche | Nacogdoches | Nacogdoches |
Concho | Paint Rock | Navarro | Corsicana |
Cooke | Gainesville | Newton | Newton |
Coryell | Gatesville | Nolan | Sweetwater |
Cottle | Paducah | Nueces | Corpus Christi |
Crane | Crane | Ochiltree | Perryton |
Crockett | Ozona | Oldham | Vega |
Crosby | Crosbyton | Orange | Orange |
Culberson | Van Horn | Palo Pinto | Palo Pinto |
Dallam | Dalhart | Panola | Carthage |
Dallas | Dallas | Parker | Weatherford |
Dawson | Lamesa | Parmer | Farwell |
Deaf Smith |
Hereford | Pecos | Fort Stockton |
Delta | Cooper | Polk | Livingston |
Denton | Denton | Potter | Amarillo |
DeWitt | Cuero | Presidio | Marfa |
Dickens | Dickens | Rains | Emory |
Dimmit | Carrizo Springs |
Randall | Canyon |
Donley | Clarendon | Reagan | Big Lake |
Duval | San Diego | Real | Leakey |
Eastland | Eastland | Red River | Clarksville |
Ector | Odessa | Reeves | Pecos |
Edwards | Rocksprings | Refugio | Refugio |
El Paso | El Paso | Roberts | Miami |
Ellis | Waxahachie | Robertson | Franklin |
Erath | Stephenville | Rockwall | Rockwall |
Falls | Marlin | Runnels | Ballinger |
Fannin | Bonham | Rusk | Henderson |
Fayette | La Grange | Sabine | Hemphill |
Fisher | Roby | San Augustine | San Augustine |
Floyd | Floydada | San Jacinto | Coldspring |
Foard | Crowell | San Patricio | Sinton |
Fort Bend | Richmond | San Saba | San Saba |
Franklin | Mount Vernon |
Schleicher | Eldorado |
Freestone | Fairfield | Scurry | Snyder |
Frio | Pearsall | Shackelford | Albany |
Gaines | Seminole | Shelby | Center |
Galveston | Galveston | Sherman | Stratford |
Garza | Post | Smith | Tyler |
Gillespie | Fredericksburg | Somervell | Glen Rose |
Glasscock | Garden City | Starr | Rio Grande City |
Goliad | Goliad | Stephens | Breckenridge |
Gonzales | Gonzales | Sterling | Sterling City |
Gray | Pampa | Stonewall | Aspermont |
Grayson | Sherman | Sutton | Sonora |
Gregg | Longview | Swisher | Tulia |
Grimes | Anderson | Tarrant | Fort Worth |
Guadalupe | Seguin | Taylor | Abilene |
Hale | Plainview | Terrell | Sanderson |
Hall | Memphis | Terry | Brownfield |
Hamilton | Hamilton | Throckmorton | Throckmorton |
Hansford | Spearman | Titus | Mount Pleasant |
Hardeman | Quanah | Tom Green | San Angelo |
Hardin | Kountze | Travis | Austin |
Harris | Houston | Trinity | Groveton |
Harrison | Marshall | Tyler | Woodville |
Hartley | Channing | Upshur | Gilmer |
Haskell | Haskell | Upton | Rankin |
Hays | San Marcos | Uvalde | Uvalde |
Hemphill | Canadian | Val Verde | Del Rio |
Henderson | Athens | Van Zandt | Canton |
Hidalgo | Edinburg | Victoria | Victoria |
Hill | Hillsboro | Walker | Huntsville |
Hockley | Levelland | Waller | Hempstead |
Hood | Granbury | Ward | Monahans |
Hopkins | Sulphur Springs |
Washington | Brenham |
Houston | Crockett | Webb | Laredo |
Howard | Big Spring | Wharton | Wharton |
Hudspeth | Sierra Blanca | Wheeler | Wheeler |
Hunt | Greenville | Wichita | Wichita Falls |
Hutchinson | Stinnett | Wilbarger | Vernon |
Irion | Mertzon | Willacy | Raymondville |
Jack | Jacksboro | Williamson | Georgetown |
Jackson | Edna | Wilson | Floresville |
Jasper | Jasper | Winkler | Kermit |
Jeff Davis | Fort Davis | Wise | Decatur |
Jefferson | Beaumont | Wood | Quitman |
Jim Hogg | Hebbronville | Yoakum | Plains |
Jim Wells | Alice | Young | Graham |
Johnson | Cleburne | Zapata | Zapata |
Jones | Anson | Zavala | Crystal City |
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